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Earthwell Kewler 32oz Opener Camp

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Introducing our monumental 32oz (.95L) Kewler™ Opener Bottle – a veritable companion for the intrepid souls seeking backcountry thrills and alehouse delights.


Ah, behold the grandeur of the great outdoors and the charming allure of brewpub escapades! Introducing our monumental 32oz (.95L) Kewler™ Opener Bottle – a veritable companion for the intrepid souls seeking backcountry thrills and alehouse delights. Immerse yourself in the joy of chilled hydration, for this vessel maintains the icy coolness of water for an astonishing 72 hours, preserves the frosty essence of beer for a commendable 32 hours, and cradles the warmth of hot beverages for up to 20 hours.

Adorned with the illustrious patented and insulated Bottle Opener Cap, this marvel seamlessly transforms into a swift beer bottle liberator, thanks to its integrated church key. Transporting this liquid haven is a breeze, with a bottle leash fashioned to accompany you on your adventures, featuring ample space for a two-finger carry. Prost to the sublime union of function and style!

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