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Skratch Labs

Skratch Labs Recovery Drink Mix Vegan Chocolate

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The Sport Vegan Recovery Drink Mix, a curated blend of plant-derived essential amino acids sourced from pea and rice protein, stands as an exquisite solution.


The Sport Vegan Recovery Drink Mix, a curated blend of plant-derived essential amino acids sourced from pea and rice protein, stands as an exquisite solution. In the aftermath of arduous endurance sessions, it serves as a delectable means to swiftly replenish and rehydrate, offering the precise combination of protein, carbohydrates, and electrolytes essential for athletes.

Nutritional Breakdown per Serving (59g):
- Calories: 230
- Sodium: 500mg
- Carbohydrates: 40g
- Protein: 10g

Noteworthy Features:
- Maintains an optimal balance of carbohydrates, protein, fat, and salt.

Usage Instructions:
Embark on the journey of recovery by seamlessly integrating this elixir into your routine. Simply blend 2 scoops with 350ml of water, give it a vigorous shake, and indulge post-workout within the golden window of 20-30 minutes. Embrace the restoration with Sport Vegan Recovery Drink Mix.

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